Configuration files

The RC file

Some of the command line options can be specified in an rc file. By default, flent looks for this in ~/.flentrc, but an alternative location can be specified with the --rcfile command line option.

The rc file allows options to be specified globally, an optionally overridden for specific tests. For an explanation of the options, refer to the annotated example rc file, by default installed to /usr/share/doc/flent/flentrc.example.

Batch Files

Flent supports reading batch files to automate running several tests and do setup/teardown of test environment etc. This greatly aids reproducibility of tests.

The batch file is parsed as an ini file, and can have three types of sections: batches, commands and args. Each section also has a name; type and name are separated with two colons. ‘Batches’ are named tests that can be selected from the command line, ‘commands’ are system commands to be run before or after each test run, and ‘args’ are used in the looping mechanism (which allows repeating tests multiple times with different parameters).

Variables in sections control the operation of Flent and can be modified in several ways: Sections of the same type can inherit from each other and the variables in an ‘arg’ section will be interpolated into the batch definition on each iteration of a loop. In addition, variable contents can be substituted into other variables by using the ${varname} syntax. These three operations are resolved in this order (inheritance, arg interpolation and variable substitution).

An annotated example batchfile is distributed with the source code, and is by default installed to /usr/share/doc/flent/batchfile.example.